Singing Guide: King Princess

Singing Guide: King Princess

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like King Princess?

Singer-songwriter King Princess has a unique style that showcases her wide vocal range and creative vocal styling. Her music is a blend of indie pop, R&B, and soul, with a focus on strong vocals, interesting production, and emotional delivery. Below are some tips on how to sing like King Princess.

1. Build Your Vocal Range

King Princess has a diverse vocal range that can reach high notes with ease. Start by determining your vocal range with our vocal range test and then work on exercises that help you extend your vocal range. Our pitch training game can help you work on accuracy and build your range.

2. Experiment with Vocal Styling

King Princess has a unique vocal style that incorporates raspiness, breathiness, and melisma. Listen to some of her songs, like "1950" or "Cheap Queen," and try to emulate her vocal styling. Experiment with your own voice and see what feels good to you.

3. Work on Breath Support

A singer's breath support is crucial to hitting high notes with ease and maintaining vocal control. Proper breathing can also give your vocals an airy and delicate tone like King princess. Check out our breath support article to get started.

4. Practice Articulation

Clear diction and pronunciation are an essential element of singing, especially in genres like indie pop and soul. Check out our articulation article to learn more about exercises that can help you improve.

5. Experiment with Vibrato

King Princess uses vibrato in her vocals to add nuance and emotion to her songs. Our singing with vibrato article and video can help you improve your vibrato.

6. Sing Like King Princess with Singing Carrots

Sining Carrots provides some tools and services that can aid in improving your singing to sing like King Princess, these tools are:

  • Song search service: Find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  • Artist vocal ranges: Discover vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers.
  • Song-book: Create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.
  • Online singing course: A 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.

In summary, to sing like King Princess, you should work on developing your vocal range, experimenting with vocal styling and vibrato, improving your breath support and articulation, and utilising Singing Carrots' selection of tools and resources to aid in your singing journey.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.